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Start a new business with itsme Sign

Getting all the paperwork done to start a new business can be time-consuming. Until recently, it was still necessary to physically visit a notary to sign the authentic deed required to set up a company. Today Belgian entrepreneurs can make use of remote notary services to sign their deed without having to be physically present. 

Start-up 100% digitally 

Thanks to StartMyBusiness (becoming Manage My Business), a digital platform by Fednot, the Federation of the Belgian Notariat, entrepreneurs can set up a company, association, or foundation 100% digitally. Not only the access to the platform happens with itsme, but more importantly the deed can be signed through video conference with itsme Sign, and it is 100% legally valid.  

Sign documents anywhere, anytime

The very first company that started its business fully digitally, with itsme®, was a young creative agency named Zoomers. With the video assistance of notary and FEDNOT chairwoman, Katrin Roggeman, the CEO of Zoomer signed the deed while relaxing by the pool in France, proving that itsme® enables hassle-free signing of important documents, regardless of location or time. 

Assisting notaries 

The itsme signature not only helps businesses to set up their business faster, but it also makes the daily life of notaries much easier, allowing them to concentrate more on their core tasks. Notaries of course continue to advise anyway because founding a company is more than just putting the deed of incorporation in order, but itsme helps make the cumbersome administrative process go smoothly and fast. 

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