Log in with itsme® and manage your investments on Bolero
People are now used to using their smartphones to follow the stock market. Already, 30% of Bolero orders are placed via a mobile device. Clients especially like being able to log into all the Bolero apps with one PIN instead of needing a card reader. Nonetheless, a good many investors still regularly check their Bolero portfolios on their trusty desktops. So, can we simply this for them?
We certainly can. Bolero has the ideal partner in itsme®. With itsme®, Bolero clients no longer need their Bolero digipass or KBC card reader with them to log in on their computer. itsme® gives them fast, simple access to the stock market, anywhere, anytime, entirely securely.
To use itsme®, they just activate it as login method in the Bolero settings (it’s then a permanent setting). After that, logging into Bolero is easy: Bolero user name and identification with the five-figure PIN or fingerprint in the itsme® app.
Bart Vanhaeren, CEO Bolero - Managing director KBC Securities