Ever more banks offer itsme® for safe online shopping
Did you know that when shopping online you can approve your payment with a Visa card or Mastercard using your itsme® app? Various banks, including ING and AXA, have for some time now been offering this option, and since recently Belfius customers are be able to shop online with their trusted itsme®. So leave the awkward card reader on the shelf, as you no longer need it to shop securely.
We recommend itsme® when shopping online, because it is:
· Secure: Thanks to the unique combination of your smartphone, your itsme® code and your itsme® app, every transaction is absolutely secure, for only you have access to it.
· Handy: Whether you are buying new shoes or clothes, booking plane tickets or ordering something else online, you no longer need that annoying card reader in order to shop safely! For thanks to your trusted itsme® on your smartphone, you can confirm your payment quickly and easily.
· Clear: With itsme®, you can confirm or decline every action in a way that is crystal clear. You see very clearly what sum you are paying and to whom. So nothing can happen without your express consent. The ultimate protection against online fraud.
Confirm your online purchases securely using itsme® with the following banks: Deutsche Bank, Bpost bank, CPH, Nagelmackers, ING, Bank Van Breda, AXA and Belfius. Soon, Argenta bank will also join the list of banks that offer itsme® for online shopping.
Your bank is not in the list? You can also use itsme® to log in, register and sign on various apps and online platforms, including most Belgian banks.
Find out here which banks have opted for the security and user’s convenience of itsme®.